Investing In People

Relationships are very important. God showed how important relationships are to our overall well-being and growth when He stated in Genesis 2:18 that “It is not good for the man to be alone.” Adam was placed in a beautiful home, he had everything one could ever dream of, but that wasn’t enough. Money, success, wealth, and all the comforts of life are good, but they are not enough. We need more than that to go through the journey of life. We need other people; we need relationships that will strengthen, support, build, edify and sharpen us. It is tough going through life alone. Ecclesiastes 4:10 tells us that the person whose life is empty of friendships and companionship is to be pitied. “…But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him, up!” There should always be someone at your side, someone in your circle of relationships that can help and encourage you when situations of life try to bring you down.

Earth with love

In this turbulent world we live in, with all kinds of trials and challenges that are thrown at us on a regular basis, there are some victories that can come only through the instrument of helpful, supportive and encouraging relationships.

David was a strong, skillful and resourceful king because David knew the power in leveraging on relationships. Most of the victories David enjoyed came as a result of the kind of people he surrounded himself with.

1 Chronicles 11:10 tells us that David had some mighty men who gave his kingship strong support and made David’s leadership and influence to extend over the whole land. The story of David’s successes and achievements can’t be complete without mentioning these men who were ready to defend David at all cost, men who risked their lives for David (1 Chronicles 11:11-25).

How did David gain and establish such quality, meaningful relationships? Was it as a function of his position, his wealth, or his age? The biblical principle of what we sow is what we reap is not just limited to what we sow or give financially, this principle is applicable to all areas of life, including relationships. It was this principle that played out in David’s life.

King David AI 1

Let’s look at some of the relationship seeds David sowed and invested, which paid off for him in the long run. Starting with David’s friendship with Jonathan, we see that David was a true and loyal friend. David loved Jonathan deeply and genuinely. He wasn’t a fake friend pretending to care while with you, then turning around to stab you in the back. Years after Jonathan’s death, David showed his loyalty to Jonathan by seeking out Jonathan’s son, Mephibosheth and restoring to him lands that belonged to Saul, his grandfather. David gave Mephibosheth a secure place and position in the palace; he ensured that Mephibosheth was treated like one of the king’s sons (2 Samuel 9:1-13). A fake friend or a fair-weather friend, can never go to this length.

Not only was David a genuine, loyal, supportive friend, he was also a burden bearer. This we see in I Samuel 22:2. “And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So, he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.” Men weighed down with debts, men confused and frustrated by various struggles and challenges of life, men who didn’t know what to do, where to turn to, men that nobody wanted to have anything to do with, came to David and he inspired and motivated them. Helping someone who is overlooked and ignored is an act of service to God, and God will never overlook or ignore your act of service. David didn’t belittle or treat these men badly because they were going through bad times. David helped and served these men, God in turn raised people to always serve and help David. “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God” (1 Chronicles 12:22). David made himself available to cater to the needs of these men, to lift up the burdens these men were carrying. This was how David found himself surrounded by mighty men who were ready to do anything to defend and support him, even at the risk of their own lives. Don’t expect people to carry your burdens, when you aren’t willing to lift a finger for anyone.


There are different types of investments. You can invest in stocks and bonds, you can invest in real estate, you can invest in gold or oil.  You can invest in companies and businesses. These are investments that can keep your head above water in times of financial difficulties and challenges.  But there is an investment that leaves a lasting legacy and that is investing your time, love, care and prayers in people’s lives. Today, believers all over the world are reaping the fruits of the time and training Jesus invested in His first twelve disciples; the spread of the gospel to different nations of the world.

In Matthew 26:13, after a woman anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and her actions were criticized, Jesus said that wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her. What will be told in memory of me, what will be told in memory of you? As life gets busy and we are swarmed in all kinds of activities and responsibilities, as perilous times sweep in and wickedness is on the increase, while the love of many grows cold, let’s remember that it is only our selfless, sacrificial and encouraging investments of love and service that will leave a lasting impact. God has invested so much in us so that we in turn can invest the time, health, talents, resources, experience and knowledge God has blessed us with in other people’s lives. Invest wisely, invest in people.

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