Face The Real Enemy

It’s funny how we put so much energy and effort into fighting flesh and blood instead of the real enemy. So many people are at war with their spouses, parents, in laws, boss, landlord, fellow ministers and brethren instead of taking the battle to the enemy’s gates which is where most opposition against our lives emanates from.

Revelation 12:12 tells us that the devil is filled with fury because he knows his time is short. Satan knows he has a limited time to oppose us and do all the damage he wants to do. One major tactic or trick of the devil to help him effectively utilize the little time he has is to get us busy fighting ourselves. The more we fight flesh and blood, the more distracted and spiritually insensitive we become. This opens a door for the enemy to come in and plant tares; to plant unwanted problems in our lives, family, church and nation. May we not be foolish soldiers on the battlefield of life who don’t know who we are fighting or even understand what we are fighting for.

God is calling on us to join forces with Him so that together with God, we can frustrate the devil’s opposition and evil agenda. God wants us to be His battle axes that He will use to shatter and scatter meetings and plans of the kingdom of darkness and bring down every wall of opposition before us (Jeremiah 51:20). Are you ready to fight the good fight of faith with God backing you? Are you ready for grace from above to uproot, tear down, destroy and overthrow every evil planting, satanic obstruction and opposition (Jeremiah 1:10)? Are your hands available to be trained for war and your fingers for battle (Psalm 144:1)? Or you want to continue in a cheap and profitless fight; judging, complaining, gossiping, criticising and harboring anger and bitterness towards people? There’s no time for all that because there’s a real war and enemy out there.

As we fight the good fight of faith and become instruments in the hands of God to uproot, tear down, destroy and overthrow every planting and plan of the devil, we must seek divine direction and instruction. Remember, we are not fighting flesh and blood; we have unseen enemies (Ephesians 6:12) and the battle is round the clock. Every moment of the day, every season of life, the devil is out to oppose us (1 Peters 5:8, Job 1:7, Psalm 91:5-6). It is only with a divine strategy or instruction that we can succeed.

Fighting gladiators

In 2 Samuel 5:17, when David was anointed King of Israel, the Philistines came in full force against him. When David heard his enemies were coming at him, he inquired of the Lord about what to do; how to handle the situation and God told David precisely what to do (2 Samuel 5:18-21). Concerning those enemies that are opposing God’s plan and purpose for your life, God will tell you what to do. But you have to first inquire of the Lord.

Jesus christ AI

Apart from a clear instruction and strategy from God, we must not have anything of the enemy in our possession. Sin is Satan’s property. Sin is Satan’s most priced and treasured good he uses to weaken people and rob them of their inheritance and victory. As we march on to war to tear down the devil’s kingdom, we should be able to confidently say the devil can’t find his pride, lies, hypocrisy, jealousy, envy, sexual immorality or any sin in us because we have been washed, cleansed and sanctified by the blood of Jesus.

Another powerful tool needed to be victorious over everything and everyone opposing our lives, destiny and progress is God’s right hand of power. After God gave the Israelites victory over Pharaoh and the Egyptians who had strongly and ruthlessly opposed them for years, Moses sang about how God used His right hand of power to give them victory (Exodus 15:6-7). If you want to overcome every opposition in your life, you have to pray for God’s right hand of power to come and rest on you and go to work on your behalf. God’s right hand of power can shatter, destroy and crush to pieces every opposition and enemy. When God stretches out His right hand, enemies and problems are swallowed up (Exodus 15:12). The Lord stretched out His right hand and Pharaoh and the Egyptians, who had been a major threat, problem and opposition to the progress of the Israelites, were swallowed up by the Red Sea. I pray that the Lord will stretch out His right hand and swallow up every force and power of darkness that has vowed that you will not progress in life.

As God’s right hand of power goes to work in our lives this month, like Moses, we will sing and testify that God’s right hand has shattered those satanic forces that had made life miserable for us and filled our lives with heavy burdens, yokes and bitter afflictions. The sound of rejoicing and victorious jubilation will be in our homes and family, as God’s right hand brings down every wall of delay and opposition before us and crushes to pieces every plan to derail us, keep us down or  cut short our joy and lives.  It’s a month of new beginnings and we will sing a new song this season, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

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