Take your Challenges to the Lord

It doesn’t matter whether you were born in a world class hospital or a hospital in an unsafe environment with poor medical care. It also won’t change anything if you were born in the early 60’s or you are Gen Z. Your tribe, the colour of your skin or even your faith can’t exonerate or keep you away from the contemporary challenges of today.
Some of these challenges are global like climate change, some are health related like new viruses and diseases springing up and some re-emerging diseases to deal with. There are environmental challenges; the increase in terrorist, violent and unreasonable people has made security a major concern. Digitalization and technological developments have significantly improved the way we communicate with one another, but has also brought its own share of challenges to both the young and the old. Widespread false information and digital addiction is a contemporary challenge that has come with the rise of technology and social media. There are economic challenges to grapple with like recession, inflation, exorbitantly high cost of living, and rise in the number of people living in extreme poverty. Some issues like homosexuality that existed as far back as Bible times, has now been taken to a whole new level with same sex marriages being legalized in some countries. Gone are the days when pastors were regarded as men of honour and integrity. Today, many young people don’t see any need to come to church as they view pastors as fake, superficial and full of all kinds of financial gimmicks. The disinterest of the younger generation in Christianity and the church is a matter of serious concern. In the midst of all of these, we face demands from work and home, have to manage nuclear and extended family members, engage in church or ministry related activities, while being bombarded by temptations to compromise, seek the easy way out and turn away from God. Jesus was truly right when He said “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33).
There’s so much hurt, pain, hardship, peer pressure and unhealthy comparison in the world. How do we handle all of this? Where do we find rest from all these challenges pressing us on all sides? How do we keep our head high, not give up hope when there’s so much trying to crush us and weigh us down?
There are people you go to see when you are facing a challenge and when you leave them, you are even more troubled and confused. But God is a safe-house for the battered, lonely, confused and stressed. No challenge is too big, complex and insurmountable for God to handle. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, many and diverse are the contemporary challenges facing us today, but God can deliver us from them all if we go to Him, call out to Him and put our trust in Him (Psalm 34:19). One of the invaluable benefits of going to God; casting our cares, concerns and challenges on Him is not just peace in the midst of turmoil and confusion, but practical guidance (Psalm 32:8). And we truly need practical divine guidance and direction to navigate the times we live in.
We do not have a High Priest who is unconcerned and out of touch with our present day challenges. We have Jesus, a sympathetic High Priest who has full and perfect understanding of all our contemporary challenges and is beckoning on us to come boldly, confidently and unashamedly to God’s throne of grace to receive help and mercy for today’s issues and challenges (Hebrews 4:15-16).
What is that challenge before you today? Is it a spiritual, medical, financial, emotional, educational, career or business problem? Or is it a national issue or crisis? Take it to God in prayer. As you cry out to the Lord with your voice, plead for mercy, make your requests known to God and tell him about all your troubles, you will see God help you with whatever comes your way (Isaiah 43:2). Yes, we are born into a world of trouble and challenges, some that have always existed, some that are contemporary, but who said we can’t overcome them? We shouldn’t give up, be overwhelmed and defeated by life’s troubles, when right next to us is an Ever Present help in times of trouble and an abiding Counsellor to guide us along the difficult paths of life.

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